Exhibitor List

게시판 목록
ADLAI Co., Ltd.
Booth Number P116 Brand ///
Item Moringa Product Homepage http://///
Times 17

Exhibiting Items:

- Moringa Tea Leaf

- Moringa Tea Bag 

- Moringa Powder (for Meal, Drink, Food Ingredient)

- Moringa Tree

- Moringa HWAN, Etc.


ADLAI CO., LTD. is an agricultural corporation that produces, explores and develops the excellent agricultural and marine products of Wando such as Moringa, Loquat, Seafood (Seaweeds).  ADLAI is also happy when our neighbors are happy. We are actively promoting the production of healthy food and various social service projects so that local people can be happy.


???社法人ADLAI(株) 是一家生???掘??的???水特?品, ??新?品??行流通的??法人公司. 公司以“只有?居幸福, ADLAI才?幸福”的 “Ubuntu ADLAI” ???理念, 生??普及健康食品, ?展?富的社?服??目, 力求??地居民生活幸福. ??自??的海藻等???水?品?行加工和流通, 在???水特?品消?方面?于?先地位.




Website: www.adlai.kr